Aikido Circle, site logo.

Club directory


Here is a list of the Aikido Circle's clubs in the UK. Please click on the links below for clubs in Essex and Sussex. Each club will soon have its own dedicated page where you will be able to see photos of the dojo and resident instructors.

Chadwell Heath Dojo

Shackleton Scout Hut, Morden Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford

Training Times

Wednesday 20.00 - 21.30


St Mary Magdalene's Church, Bexhill-on-Sea


Sea Rd, Bexhill-on-Sea TN40 1RH


Training Times



8pm-9.30pm  Ken tai Ken, Ken tai Jo, Iaido instruction by 7th Dan instructor



Little Common Road, Bexhill on Sea, TN39 4HU, United Kingdom

Training Times



8.30pm-10pm  Taijutsu instruction by 7th Dan instructor






The Aikido Circle is an independent organisation that has been training people in this traditional martial art since the 1970s with dojos in the UK and overseas. It is registered with the British Aikido Board which is recognised by Sport England as the only governing body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.

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