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Latest News

Beginner Course

All we are please to annouce the start of a beginners course at our Chadwell Heath Dojo in March. If you are interest please contact us for further information.

Welcome to the online home of the Aikido Circle

Sensei Barker photograph

Hello and a very warm welcome to the Aikido Circle.

We are an independent organisation which teaches traditional Aikido and weapons training at dojos in the     UK.

As well as strong, practical self-defence techniques that encompasses both unarmed and weapons techniques, this established martial art has the power to change your life - and we will show you how.

Whether it be providing focus, giving you self-confidence or simply increasing your fitness levels, Aikido will give you a fresh perspective on the world. Many people have benefited from the study of Aikido and have found the training to have 3 specific benefits:


  1. Mental benefits include this increased self-awareness and relaxation; better ability to resolve conflicts and deal with stressful situations in a calmer and more positive manner; greater self-confidence and self-discipline; and the constant challenge of self-development and learning new skills.
  2. Physical benefits of Aikido practice include increased balance, coordination, reaction, and sense of timing; improved posture, flexibility and aerobic conditioning; a greater awareness of our bodies and how we express ourselves through our bodies; and a more relaxed and confident presence.
  3. Spiritual benefits include being able to improve one’s own quality of living; to break or change old habits and conditioning; to see things with greater clarity and perceptiveness; and to have a greater intuitive understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Aikido is suitable for adults of all ages and abilities, unlike most martial arts techniques can be adapted to an individual’s physical requirements. There are no egos in the Aikido Circle and everyone helps each other to achieve their individual goals. The Aikido Circle practices a traditional style and shuns competition keeping in line with the teachings of O’Sensei (Founder of Aikido), many members of the of the Aikido Circle have experience in other Martial Arts such as Judo, Karate, Ju Jitsu and Boxing.

Visiting this website is the first step on your journey. Please take your time to explore the links on this page which should give you an insight into the history of this fascinating martial art and what we have to offer.

If there are any questions, please feel free to get in touch or simply come along to one of our regular classes. You can find details of times and locations under clubs. In addition you can keep up to date with happenings at the Aikido Circle via our news page and on both Twitter and Facebook. Alternatively contact me directly on 07773 676539 or  [email protected]

 We look forward to seeing you on the mat.

 Paul Barker, Sensei (7th Dan
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The Aikido Circle is an independent organisation that has been training people in this traditional martial art since the 1970s with dojos in the UK and overseas. It is registered with the British Aikido Board which is recognised by Sport England as the only governing body for Aikido in the United Kingdom.

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